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"Members recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge" -OCT


To me, Ongoing Professional Learning means always striving to better my understanding of teaching practice and methods so that I can enhance my students’ learning. As I progress in the profession, it is important that I do not become stubborn and set in my ways; I should always be willing to learn. I will never be a perfect teacher, and therefore should always strive to grow, as well as share my knowledge with others to enhance their professional learning and growth.


Over the course of my career so far, I have engaged in multiple opportunities for ongoing professional growth. I have taken a number of Additional Basic Qualification and Additional Qualification courses, attended many voluntary workshops and webinars, and completed a post-graduate certificate in Mental Health in Classrooms to better my professional practice. I also intend to go for a Master of Education Degree in the future!

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