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"Members apply professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning. They use appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in planning for and responding to the needs of individual students and learning communities. Members refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection" -OCT

Teaching virtually in 2020-2021 has really highlighted my professional practice. As many teachers do, I struggled in those first few years of teaching, but this year (year 6) has felt like things really started to "click" (Strange year for that to happen, I know!). All of that education, professional development, and additional qualification learning, along with strong support from my employer, have really helped me hit my stride.

To demonstrate my understanding of this standard, I chose a Grade 3  Math Hāpara Workspace that I designed and used with students. I used learning from the Hāpara Certified Scholar course to develop a workspace that clearly guides students through the learning activities, tied to a learning goal. Differentiation and accommodations are automatically incorporated using Universal Design for Learning. Students are provided with flexible learning groupings in breakout rooms to solve problems using a variety of digital and concrete manipulatives, videos, and extra practice games, as well as methods of assessment. Feedback from students during the learning process helps me adjust my teaching and ensures there are no surprises when assessment of learning happens.

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