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Poetry Picnic

Poetry Picnic

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Rube Goldberg Inventioneering

Rube Goldberg Inventioneering

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Video 1: A student showing her Poetry Picnic book of poems. The book describes poems and literary features and includes space for students to include five of their own poems.

Video 2: Our class made our own "Rube Goldberg" machines, devices designed to use multiple energy conversions to do a simple task during our unit of Conservation of Energy and Resources. These two tasks were to zip a zipper and to drop a coin into a cup.


"I love seeing hijabi representation it makes me feel really good" -Grade 9 Student, November 2021

"(Student)'s mom was so pleased to chat with you and was really touched and impressed by your efforts to accommodate (Student). Thanks for all of the efforts you are putting in -- you're making a difference. You're doing a great job with this kiddo!" 
- High School Resource Teacher, October 2021

"Thanks for being such a great coach, always pushing me past my limits. Thank you for helping make my goals achievable. And I can’t thank you enough for always showing up to cheer me on. You are appreciated by the one and only (Student). Hope you can coach me again soon!" -Grade 10 Cross Country Runner, October 2021

Thank you for seeing [my son]. Sometimes when a child has neuro-diversity the education system just sees what they can’t do or what they struggle with. We feel like you just see [him] and what his strengths are too. -Grade 3 Parent, May 2021
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